The Oaks Early Learning Childcare desires to provide a childcare that reflects the heart of Christ. Our program demonstrates the belief that a child’s work is play; through play in a developmentally appropriate environment a child grows and learns. The learning environment we provide recognizes the importance of and is designed to nurture the whole child’s level of development: physically, cognitively, socially, emotionally and spiritually. We embrace the Province of Ontario’s ‘How Does Learning Happen?’ principles. Through individual and group, indoor and outdoor, active and quiet play experiences at The Oaks Early Learning Childcare, a child will be exposed to situations that stimulate and encourage:
- Self-expression, communication and language skills
- fine motor development
- gross motor development
- self-esteem and a sense of well-being
- problem solving and engagement with their learning environment
- creativity and individuality
- social interaction and respect for others
- healthy respect for authority
- a sense of identity and belonging
The Oaks Early Learning Childcare is an expression of the Cambridge Vineyard and is directly accountable to the Elders and the Board of Directors of the Church. The childcare fully embraces the Cambridge Vineyard‘s purpose and statement of faith; it is the basis from which we teach Christian values in the program.