Infant room: 3 months to 18 months
Toddler room: 18-30 months. Toddlers enrolled in the program on the second floor must be able to walk (unless due to a disability) we can only carry one child out in an emergency.
Preschool room: 30 months of age up to 6 years old.
Nursery School (preschool program only) is a 2.5-hour session morning from 9:00am-11:30am / Afternoon from 12:30-3:00pm
Half day with lunch *Preschool- agreed upon arrival time-12:30 *Toddler- agreed upon arrival time – 11:45 or *Preschool-11:30- agreed upon departure time. Please note half day with lunch is not to exceed 4 hours of care.
Full day operates between 7:00am – 5:30pm
All registration forms should be fully completed prior to child entering childcare and a copy of immunizations provided. If a child is not immunized one of the following forms must be completed
Immunization forms:
- Statement of Conscience or Religious Belief forms for religious/conscience objections must be completed by a “commissioner for taking affidavits” (i.e. must be notarized)
- Statement of Medical Exemption form for medical exemption to immunization must be completed by a doctor or nurse practitioner
It is the parents’ obligation to keep all information in the child’s file up to date and to advise the staff of any changes.