The educators at The Oaks Early Learning Childcare will ensure that any child receiving care is only released to the child’s parent/guardian or an individual that the parent/guardian has provided written authorization the childcare centre may release the child to. The individual that is picking up the child must be at least 14 years old and have a plan to get the child home safely.
The educators will only dismiss children into the care of their parent/guardian or another authorized individual. The centre will not release any children from care without supervision. Under no circumstances will children be released from care to walk home alone.
When accepting a child into care at the time of drop-off, educator in the room must:
-greet the parent/guardian and child.
-ask the parent/guardian how the child’s morning has been and if there are any changes to the child’s pick-up procedure (i.e., someone other than the parent/guardian picking up). Where the parent/guardian has indicated that someone other than the child’s parent/guardians will be picking up, the educator must confirm that the person is listed on emergency contact form or where the individual is not listed, ask the parent/guardian to provide authorization for pick-up in writing (e.g., note or email).
-document the change in pick-up procedure in the daily written record.
-preform a wellness check and sign the child in on the classroom attendance record.
Where a child has not arrived in care as expected
-Where a child does not arrive at the childcare and the parent/guardian has not communicated a change in drop-off (e.g., left a voice message or advised the closing staff at pick-up), the educator in the classroom must:
-inform the supervisor or designate and they must commence contacting the child’s parent/guardian at 10:00 or as soon as possible after. The educator shall call parent/guardian, send text message or contact them through Class Dojo. If no response is provided within 30 minutes the educator will inform the supervisor or designate. At that time the supervisor or designate will attempt to make contact in a different manner than the first.
– This contact will be documented in the daily communication book. If contact is made the reason for the absence or delay will also be documented.
-If after several attempts for contact through the day are unanswered the educator will mark the child absent, and it will be documented as ‘reason unknown’. The supervisor and/or educator will also then attempt to contact an emergency contact to see if they are aware of any reason for the unexplained absence. This too will be documented.
-Once the child’s absence has been confirmed, the educator shall document the child’s absence on the attendance record and any additional information about the child’s absence in the daily written record.
Releasing a child from care
-The educator who is supervising the child at the time of pick-up shall only release the child to the child’s parent/guardian or individual that the parent/guardian has provided written authorization that the childcare may release the child to. Where the educator does not know the individual picking up the child (i.e., parent/guardian or authorized individual), the educator will:
-confirm with another educator that the individual picking up is the child’s parent/guardian/authorized individual.
-where the above is not possible, ask the parent/guardian/authorized individual for photo identification and confirm the individual’s information against the parent/guardian/authorized individual’s name on the child’s file or written authorization.
The educators will only release children from care to the parent/guardian or other authorized adult.
Where a child has not been picked up as expected (before centre closes)
Where a parent/guardian has previously communicated with an educator a specific time or timeframe that their child is to be picked up from care and the child has not been picked up, the following procedure will take place:
– The educators will contact the parent/guardian within 30-45 minutes of the expected time, the classroom educator shall contact the parent/guardian through text, call or Class Dojo and advise that the child is still in care and has not been picked up.
-Where the staff is unable to reach the parent/guardian, staff must call again and leave a message for the parent/guardian. Where the individual picking up the child is an authorized individual and their contact information is available, the educator shall proceed with contacting the individual to confirm pick-up as per the parent/guardian’s instructions or leave a voice message to contact the centre.
-Where the educator has not heard back from the parent/guardian or authorized individual who was to pick up the child the educator shall contact emergency contact if applicable or wait until program closes and then refer to procedures under “where a child has not been picked up and program is closed”
Where a child has not been picked up and the centre is closed
-Where a parent/guardian or authorized individual who was supposed to pick up a child from care and has not arrived by 5:30, the educator shall ensure that the child is given a snack and activity, while they await their pick-up.
-The educator shall stay with the child and proceed with calling the parent/guardian to advise that the child is still in care and inquire their pick-up time. In the case where the person picking up the child is an authorized individual; the educator shall attempt to contact the parent/guardian first and then proceed to contact the authorized individual responsible for pick-up if unable to reach the parent/guardian.
-If the educator is unable to reach the parent/guardian or authorized individual who was responsible for picking up the child, the educator shall attempt to contact additional authorized individuals listed on the child’s emergency contact list.
-Where the educator is unable to reach the parent/guardian or any other authorized individual listed on the child’s file (e.g., the emergency contacts) by 6:00pm, the educator shall notify the supervisor or designate and shall proceed with contacting the local Family and Children’s Services (FACS) 519-576-0540. The educator shall follow the FACS’s direction with respect to next steps.