Here is a list of items LABELLED WITH YOUR CHILD’ S NAME to bring to the center on the first day: 

• Appropriate Outerwear 

• Indoor Shoes –if needed in season 

• A spare change of clothing 

• Sunscreen, insect spray; as appropriate 

• Water bottle 

• Diapers/Pull-ups (if needed) 

• Diaper cream, or other non-medicated creams 

• Blanket for nap time (optional) o The centre will provide a blanket for your child at nap time; however, some families prefer to bring their own blanket. 

Beginning formal childcare is not only exciting but can also be unsettling for children and parents. It may be difficult to predict how quickly your child will settle into daily routines. Each child is different, and the way they settle in may have to do with previous childcare experience, age, personality, and how you as a parent are feeling. 

Here are some suggestions you may want to consider when adjusting your child to childcare: 

• Visit the centre with your child before beginning. 

• Bring along a security item. 

• Keep to a routine – at least until your child settles in. 

• Let the staff know when you are ready to leave. At that time, it is often best to say goodbye, give your child one more hug, and follow through on your plan to leave. Staff is ready to give suggestions and help with the transition. 

• Talk positively about the experience at home and on your way to the centre. Use staff and children’s names frequently. 

• Call the centre during the day if you are concerned. 

• Share your emotions/anxiety about your discomfort in separating from your child for the day with staff or other adults – not your child. 

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