A child will only be released to the parent, guardian or alternative as listed on the registration or pick up and release form. If that parent or guardian is unable to pick up the child, they may notify the teacher at the beginning of the day which one of the alternates will be picking them up. If someone not listed on the registration form attempts to pick up the child the teacher will attempt to contact the parent to get a verbal confirmation. If the teacher cannot reach the parent the child will stay with the teacher until the situation is resolved.
If a person other than the parent or guardian is picking up a child, picture identification will have to be shown by the individual before the child will be release (i.e. a driver license) until the staff becomes familiar with the individual.
When releasing a child to the parent or guardian, our first concern is the safety of the child. If at the time of departure, a staff is concerned that a child may be at risk, they will not allow the child to be released until the situation has been resolved.
e.g. * child is being transported by motorcycle without a helmet
* Child is not buckled in a proper car seat
* Adult is showing signs of being impaired from either drugs or alcohol
In the event of a perceived danger to the child, we will take the following steps:
The staff will address the adult directly about the concern. Emphasize that the concern is about the safety of the child.
If possible, suggest ways to remedy the situation. E.g.
- call someone to assist them.
- Try to arrange alternate transportation for the adult if needed.
- Call the other parent
- Call the emergency person
- Call taxi
If the adult insists on taking the child, take down the license plate number and notify police.