In accordance with the Childcare and Early Years Act the following practices are prohibited: 

  • corporal punishment of the child; 
  • physical restraint of the child, such as confining the child to a high chair, car seat, stroller or other device for the purposes of discipline or in lieu of supervision, unless the physical restraint is for the purpose of safety or preventing a child from hurting himself, herself or someone else, and is used only as a last resort and only until the safety risk or risk of injury is no longer imminent; 
  • locking the exits of the child care center or home child care premises for the purpose of confining the child, or confining the child in an area or room without adult supervision, unless such confinement occurs during an emergency and is required as part of the licensee’s emergency management policies and procedures; 
  • use of harsh or degrading measures or threats or use of derogatory language directed at or used in the presence of a child that would humiliate, shame or frighten the child or undermine his or her self-respect, dignity or self-worth; 
  • depriving the child of basic needs including food, drink, shelter, sleep, toilet use, clothing or bedding; 
  • Inflicting any bodily harm on children including making children eat or drink against their will. 

No employee or volunteer or student, who is on an educational placement, and no person who provides services at a premises shall engage in any of the prohibited practices listed with respect to a child receiving child care. 

The supervisor will take an active role in each the room and observe staff practices on a regular basis. Positive interaction observations are done on each staff, volunteers and students at least once per year to ensure accountability and compliance with these rules. 

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