If a child has ongoing difficulties with behaviour that continues to cause health and safety concerns for others and refuses to respond to the guidance of the teacher, the following steps will be taken: 

  1. The teacher will arrange to speak to the parent in private regarding the ongoing behaviour challenges of the child. 
  2. The teacher will seek the cooperation of the parent in determining the cause(s) or source(s) of the problem and enlist the parents’ help in finding a solution. 
  3. The teacher will keep the parent informed of significant behaviour changes. 
  4. The teacher will seek outside help through support services with the parents’ consent to find the root cause of the concerns and takes steps to support the child and the family. 
  5. In extreme cases, if after seeking any and all solutions, the child’s behavior does not improve and is consistently harmful and disruptive to the atmosphere of the classroom, thereby affecting the other children’s health and safety, the supervisor may ask that the child be withdrawn from the program either temporarily or permanently.

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