Meeting the recommendations set out in Canada’s Food Guide, we provide a four-week rotation of menus offering various diverse food. Menus are posted outside the kitchen, in the infant room and outside the preschool 1 room. All families are also offered a copy of the menu upon request.  There are various eating arrangements provided based on the children’s needs and ages.  Children sitting in small groups at the tables offer excellent opportunities to enhance social skills, develop positive attitudes towards trying different foods, and support independence by serving themselves when appropriate.  Children have access to water throughout the day, including with each snack and lunch.  Any food, infant bottles, breast milk, or formula received will be labeled with the child’s name  Children under a year old have written instructions provided by their families in their files so educators can provide the proper food. Please note that bottles are never propped […]


A child will only be released to the parent, guardian or alternative as listed on the registration or pick up and release form. If that parent or guardian is unable to pick up the child, they may notify the teacher at the beginning of the day which one of the alternates will be picking them up. If someone not listed on the registration form attempts to pick up the child the teacher will attempt to contact the parent to get a verbal confirmation. If the teacher cannot reach the parent the child will stay with the teacher until the situation is resolved.  If a person other than the parent or guardian is picking up a child, picture identification will have to be shown by the individual before the child will be release (i.e. a driver license) until the staff becomes familiar with the individual.  When releasing a child to the […]


The teachers at The Oaks Early Learning Childcare understand that children learn and grow at different rates. However, there are times when children need extra attention and assistance to meet their potential in some areas of development. Due to the challenges some children face we want to make sure we are supporting these children and their families as much as possible.  Therefore, the teachers of The Oaks Early Learning and Childcare will do a screening checklist on each child (Unless additional services are already in place that include a more extensive assessment). This checklist will be done at least two months after the child starts at the childcare. This allows the child to be comfortable with the program, allowing the results of the checklist to be more accurate.  This information will be used by teachers to ensure developmental needs are being met when supporting the child’s learning within the classroom. […]


We believe all children are created by God, loved and valuable. We recognize that we all have different strengths and abilities. Children are continually growing and changing through the ages and stages at different rates. We are committed to providing an inclusive program that allows children of all abilities to participate fully.  The Oaks Early Learning Childcare will also strive to work co-operatively with outside agencies to provide observation, assessment, and intervention. In order to provide a quality program for all children we will seek additional staffing supports from the community if issues of health, safety or mobility are a concern.  Individual Program Plans and Individual Support Plans  In demonstrating our belief of inclusion and the understanding that each child is unique and important we take the following steps:  Each child has an Individual Program Plan (IPP) or an Individual Support Plan (ISP). This plan starts at the time the […]


We view children as competent, motivated learners. They are continually exploring and interacting with their environment. They test what they know, solve problems, plan and experiment as they go, naturally building off of their previous experiences. Research shows children learn from their environment and engage when they are interested in what is going on around them.  Teachers are guided by the ‘How does learning happen’ document and will take a responsive approach to guiding the children in the areas of Well-being, Engagement, Belonging and Expression. The teachers will use their knowledge to set the stage for self-motivated learning. As a child begins to ask questions the teacher will offer support for the child to investigate, learn and discover the answers they are searching for. Materials will be provided to enhance the process allowing the child to ask questions and take the lead in their own learning. This can be done […]


Heat- There are times in the summer when the humidex becomes too high to go outdoors (The humidex combines the temperature and humidity into one number to show how the combined conditions feel to the average person)  On hot days where the Humidex reaches 32 degrees celsius the toddler outdoor play time will be reduced to teacher’s discretion. When the humidex reaches 35 degrees celsius the preschool outdoor time will be reduced to teacher’s discretion. The teachers will ensure there is adequate shade, children are using sun protection measures such as hats, sunglasses and as always sunscreen is applied as directed by parents on the blanket lotions permission forms. Water activities and water to drink will be provided.  On days where the Humidex reaches 35 degrees celsius.The toddlers may be kept indoors and when it reaches 38 the preschoolers may be kept indoors. If available, indoor gross motor activities will […]


In case of inclement weather please note the following changes; We used to follow the school boards but now that virtual learning is an option schools may choose to close physically but engage in a remote learning day. In this case the Childcare will decide on its own whether or not to operate. You will receive an email outlining the decision by 6:15am. If you are unsure, please email your inquiry as the supervisor does not have remote access to the childcare phone or IPad’s. 


OPEN: Monday to Friday most weeks;  CLOSED: All statutory holidays as well as other recognized holidays. This includes Family Day, Good Friday, Easter Monday, Victoria Day, Civic Holiday, Labour Day, and Thanksgiving.  We will close early on Christmas Eve day at 3:00 if it falls on a week day and reopen the day following New Year’s Day or after statutory holiday requirements are met.  We will also observe a one week shut down in the summer during the last week of July. This is the week that runs into the August long weekend (Civic Holiday). This will allow parents and staff to plan holidays with their families. 


Here is a list of items LABELLED WITH YOUR CHILD’ S NAME to bring to the center on the first day:  • Appropriate Outerwear  • Indoor Shoes –if needed in season  • A spare change of clothing  • Sunscreen, insect spray; as appropriate  • Water bottle  • Diapers/Pull-ups (if needed)  • Diaper cream, or other non-medicated creams  • Blanket for nap time (optional) o The centre will provide a blanket for your child at nap time; however, some families prefer to bring their own blanket.  Beginning formal childcare is not only exciting but can also be unsettling for children and parents. It may be difficult to predict how quickly your child will settle into daily routines. Each child is different, and the way they settle in may have to do with previous childcare experience, age, personality, and how you as a parent are feeling.  Here are some suggestions you may […]